
Wednesday 29 June 2011

Catching up with myself

Okay, so it's been a while since I last posted a comment on here so I thought I'd just update you on my frantic activities.
The comic expo in March went well and although I only sold 4 of my comics I met lots of other people working to the same goal as me. The comic is doing okay. I have now written a three part mini series which I will be giving away at expos and on line etc so as to build a fan base.
Due to the saturation of the comic book market is now important for me to build a fan base who I can approach directly with new issues etc.
I cut all my hair off at the end of April so as to help get me a job and suspend the stereo types which people seem to project on us hippy types with big beards and long beautiful flowing hair.
I attended the Summer ball at my University wearing a suit my mum made for me which received a great reception as it is styled after Spider-man's Uniform. the best suit I have ever seen.
At the Beginning of May I travelled to Stuttgart Germany for FMX animation festival. I had interviews with Aardman and Disney as well as talking to companies such as Frame Store, Double Negative and Lucas Arts. all in all i was a little disappointed by the festival this year as there was hardly any focus on Traditional 2D animation, which is ok as it is a very corporate event focusing on large industry projects which I haven't really worked with. oh and the man I spoke to from disney implied that I can't draw. Cutting my hair seem to make little difference in terms of getting a job here, next time i think I'll be going to a more 2D focused festival.
Following FMX I had a week or so to complete all my uni work which I managed, receiving the final grade of 2:1 which is nice, graduation is in a few weeks pretty sure I'll wear my suit again.
I also entered a Creative CV competition to win an IPad I received the runner up prize of £30 amazon vouchers which i will be using on something useful (maybe an IPad).
and finally (i think) i attended Glastonbury festival with JFHEROARTS working in the kids field doing craft workshops with children of all ages we had a great time and each child we worked with walked, skipped and ran away with a customised superhero cape with their own insignia.
i think that's all up to date now...?
Let me know if i've missed any gaps, keep an eye out for ORIGINS of the BRASSICA on JFHEROARTS.co.uk

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